Earth Girl


I’m so thankful for my life and all my family and friends. My heart is so full of God’s enormous outpouring of blessings in 2018.

Me + Kylo

I say that to bring me to my point: I always thank God several times a day. I have no idea what I would do if I could not go to Him in prayer. But I have realized that I might not show my sincere gratitude to the people around me. I raised my kids to call and thank people for gifts that are received and I have always been good at my handwritten thank you notes for shower and wedding gifts. I say thank you a hundred times a day to strangers that help me out.

I want to take a minute to thank some people that have no idea how much they mean to me for the thoughtful things that they do for me every day.

Thank you, Mom and Frances, for the home cooked meals that Larry and I love so much. There’s nobody that can cook like your momma and momma-in-law! Your food is your love and I know that you would rather be doing anything than standing in the kitchen all day. We appreciate you both so very much.

Thank you to all of my dear friends that love me even though I’m crazy.

Thank you to my friends that love my kids and grandkids.

Thank you to everyone that has me and my family in your thoughts and on your prayer list.

Thank you to my oldest friends and to the new friends I have just met for loving me just the way that I am. Thank you for letting me be me!

Peace, love, junk,

Earth Girl

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